Bende gij een Brabander?
(Are you a Brabander?)
Design Project
TU Eindhoven
In cooperation with Museum door de Stad: 100 jaar Eindhoven
Co-designers: Lei Nelissen, Jordy Albas, Almar van der Stappen
Bende gij een Brabander is a design exploration that serves to showcase the ability of AI as a facilitator of personalized experiences in a public context. The specific use case provided was that of designing for the Eindhoven-based “Museum door de Stad”, whose ambition it is to entertain visitors with a live interpretation of personal data through AI, in the context of celebrating a hundred years of Eindhoven. The proposed design is an installation which focuses on the pronunciation of a specific sentence in the Brabant dialect: “Bende gij een Brabander?”.
We coded two machine learning models (Gradient Boosting and Random Forest) and one deep learning model (1D Convolutional Neural Network) that we trained on speech samples from both non-Brabant and Brabant speakers. The model was finally able to give a probability of a person having a Brabant accent. This factor is then used to provoke discussion on what it means to be a Brabander, by means of theses, with which a participant can agree or disagree by pinning a printout of their sample to a wall. Through these discussions, we engage participants to look more critically at what it means to be a Brabander, and how speech and accents factor into this identity.

Concept video, contains footage from interviews in Eindhoven (Brabant) and the deployment of our installation.
Overview of the data flow. The top half (backend) is made with Python and NodeJs. The bottom half (user side) is made with React

The installation with a participant, deployed at the Atlas building at the TU/e.

A participant pronouncing the famous sentence "Bende gij een Brabander?". Afterwards, they will be presented with a percentage of the probailty of the participant sounding like a Brabander.

The participant takes out the printed card which contains a visualization of the voice data and the percentage.

Finally, the participant could choose where to put their card close to a statement about Brabant where he/she agreed with.
Eva van der Born
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
+31 6 374 712 44
© Eva van der Born 2020